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The land is rich and green, a small garden takes up a few square feet and dew covered grass surrounds you. Yet in short distance you can see a mountain and a cave not far up from where you stand. To your left you can see swirling mists, to dense to see through.
You climb up the mountain, curious about the cave, and not wanting to get lost in the mists. When you reach the cave you see that it doesn't have a long twisting entry way, but rather is like a large hallow. At the far corner of the cavern is a raised area of marble. You walk up to it and see that the huge block of black & white swirled marble is slightly indented as for a comfortable bed.

You turn around to inspect the rest of the cave and are startled to see a red/pink dragon with a large gray crest and a horn in the middle of her forehead. "Hi!" Her voice is cheery as she smiles at you. "I haven't seen you around before…" she walks up to you, tilts her head, circles you a few times then stops. "Not a dragon, not a Leuian… You look different from everyone else. What are you?" After introducing yourself and telling her your species she sits back on her haunches and looks at you curiously. "Huh… I haven't seen one of your kind around here yet. I'm Sakura - I think it means Cherry Tree or something like that… that's what they told me."

"I'm a Silshamyst Dragon from the Silshar Mysts." She circles you again. "Yup, I was happy in Silshar, but I crave new worlds and adventure!" She crouches down her tail, swinging back and forth. "New Sights! New Sounds! New… food!" with the word food she pounces off the ground towards you! Your reaction is slow - you weren't expecting that! - but your retreat is helped along by a gust from her wings which have opened to keep her from crashing into you. The young dragon remains hovering in the air for a moment before her claws clack on the stone floor. "Hehe, sorry!" she smiles. "I just hadta! Don't worry though, I wouldn't eat you. Too stringy." ^_^ "Hmm… I am a big hungry though… if you see Nevyn tell him I went hunting - he's the little wind-water dragon that hangs around here. C ya!" she walks out of the cavern and takes the rocky path down to the green valley below.

Return to the Crystal Hallway

Travel to the Silshar Mysts