You take a few steps, and look to your left. A door? You think you can see a glimmer of an outline… a handle… you look up and see a golden plaque reading - Realm of Myth & Magick - your hand searches for the doorknob, and finding it, you turn it slowly and push open the crystal door.
When before you could see the glimmer of the shining stars through the semi-invisable door, now you see what seems to be a stone walled office! A wooden desk sits in the corner cluttered with papers. A few chairs are lined against the gray stone wall, and in the far corner, in front of a wooden door, curled up in a wicker basket lies a sleeping black dragon. You hear the crystal door cling against the door frame as it closes behind you, and the dragon lifts its head to look at you sleepily, before lying back down and resuming its slumber.
The door the dragon sleeps before slowly opens and a figure dressed in a concealing black hooded cloak emerges. They turn towards you, and you think you can make out two glowing blue orbs within the shadows of the cowl. Two silver hands appear from within the many folds of the floor sweeping cloak to push the hood back, revealing a silver feline face with crystal blue eyes. SHE looks at your curiously then turns to the desk. Sitting down she speaks to you.
"I suppose your wondering where you are, and what I am… ne?" You can only nod your head in response. But without looking up at you from some paper work, the humanoid feline speaks again. "I'm a Leuian… a humanoid feline. There's many of my kind around here, as you'll find out if you decide to become a Realm-Traveler and visit the many realms of the Unknown - which is where you are. The Unknown." The entire time the feline women talks, she never looks up from her paperwork. "Why it is called the unknown is because as of yet we - the founders of the realm - have not yet decided upon a name. Once we do, The Unknown will change to something better known." She looks up at you and it appears as though she's slightly annoyed. "I'm in charge of this entire realm and it's inhabitants. My name? My name is Zari. Now… if you'll please leave I have some imporant paperwork to fill out… What? Stop asking questions! I am filling out adoption forms for dragons, fairies and other such creatures - unicorns and the whole lot. I've also to send out adoption forms that some of our inhabitants have filled out to impress such creatures as well. I am also filling out order forms for supplies such as food and other necessities… you're a nosey one! Now go away!" her nose disappears once again into the paper work, and you decide to leave thinking that Zari was kinda rude.

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